- svelte-preprocess quick and painless preprocess support for svelte
- svelte-i18n internationalization library for Svelte
- svelte-loadable dynamically load a svelte component
- svelte-css-vars reactive css variables in svelte
- vtex/typescript VTEX's typescript/javascript styleguide, tooling and recipes
- vtex/danger encapsulated danger ruleset and github action
- pos-mamba-sdk SDK for developing apps for the Mamba POS system
- pos-mamba-app-template template for creating apps for the Mamba POS system
- photoswippy a PhotoSwipe friendly wrapper
- rolleiflex css flexbox grid/helper framework
- textlooper lightweight text rotation based on css animations
- comicbubbles css-only 8 bit-like comic balloons
- post-links open <a> links using POST instead of GET
- aph minimal DOM, barely api-less, manipulation library
- wpdls basic custom WordPress admin style made easy with stylus
- crius flexible front-end workflow
- selene opinionated wordpress starter theme
- hyperion static website workflow forked from Crius